"Simply Effective"

Collect Visual Feedback with
Loom & Annotated Screenshots

Streamline high-quality feedback collection, identify impactful opportunities, and scale faster by building the right features.


Trusted by 335+ businesses worldwide

Everything you need, all in one place

Ditch the email, spreadsheet, and manual process, and streamline internal and external collaboration.

5-minute Setup

5-minute Setup

Customize and brand your widget, and install in one line of code

Organized Feedback

Organized Feedback

Keep track of all your feedback with over unlimited filter options.

Feedback Analytics

Feedback Analytics

Keep track of all the feedback you recieved and summarize it.

Feedback CRM

Feedback CRM

Talk to your customers and your team about the feedback you received.

Annotated Screenshots

Annotated Screenshots

Highlight, comment, block out areas for clear feedback.

Loom Video Feedback

Loom Video Feedback

Collect in depth Loom screen recordings from your users.

Simple, transparent pricing.

No hidden fees. No credit card required.
Cancel anytime.



Start collecting high-quality feedback effortlessly.


2 Feedback Widget

Up to 5 Feedback Stored

Loom Video Feedback

Annotated Screenshots

Customizable Widgets

Customizable Emails

Feedback Analytics

LoomFlows Branding



For smaller teams collecting internal and external feedback.


5 Feedback Widgets

Up to 20 Feedback Stored per Widget

Loom Video Feedback

Annotated Screenshots

Customizable Widgets

Customizable Emails

Feedback Analytics

LoomFlows Branding



Perfect for teams with multiple projects and growing users.


10 Feedback Widgets

Up to 100 Feedback Stored per Widget

Loom Video Feedback

Annotated Screenshots

Customizable Widgets

Customizable Emails

Feedback Analytics

LoomFlows Branding



For companies who require tailored solutions.


Unlimited Feedback Widgets

Unlimited Feedback

Loom Video Feedback

Annotated Screenshots

Customizable Widgets

Customizable Emails

Feedback Analytics

Priority Feature Development

Remove LoomFlows Branding

What our customers are saying

We're proud to work with these founder
to help them grow their business.


Makai Brettling

@Idae Co

Everyone loves using loom internally to provide feedback within their team. So why hasn't loom optimized for external use to enable software companies to collect feedback from their users? This is the question I asked myself multiple times and wish a solution existed. LoomFlows provides that exact solution!


Nassir Malaky

@Redoc AI

So far the best feedback platform I have found. And believe me, I've already tried a few.


Angelina Jolie


LoomFlows made it so easy and quick to collect feedback. Took me less than 5 minutes to start collecting loom videos from my users! Thanks for this awesome tool.


Sofe Joan

@Enhanced ChatGPT

We looked at several options to collect feedback from our users, before settling with LoomFlows. What drew us to LoomFlows was the great user interface and how easy the product was to use.


Adam Martinez


LoomFlows is enabling us to win customer satisfaction and loyalty by showing our users that their feedback can directly and rapidly influence our product.


Tyler Lee


Fast response to requests. Flawless. I look forward to the many exciting features to come.


Mason Gatley


What makes LoomFlows stand out is the exceptional support from their team. They're not only responsive and knowledgeable but also go the extra mile to ensure our success. Changes are implemented in real time while you wait. Finding a company so dedicated to customer satisfaction is a rare gem.




Some of my customers send me loom videos to share bugs or askin for clarifications. This should definitely help!


Raj Pranav


I love using LoomFlows because it gives me the same quality feedback with loom, instead of having to schedule meetings with my users.


Isaac Walker

@SaaS Leads IO

I can tell a lot of thought has been put into building LoomFlows, I believe with all their up coming features they this will be the best user feedback tool on the market.


Youssef Abadi


LoomFlows exceeded all of my expectations. After using it, I quickly became a paid customer due to the platform's extremely useful and easy-to-use functions.


Stephen Wills

@Bunkers AI

People enjoy giving feedback with the LoomFlows widget. I highly recommend LoomFlows to anyone who wants to communicate with his users effectively and efficiently.

Ready to try LoomFlows? Get started Now!